Building Custom Absorption Boxes For Your Home Studio!
This week’s tutorial shows you how to make custom absorption boxes for your studio using random material.
This week’s tutorial shows you how to make custom absorption boxes for your studio using random material.
Here's a quick guide to how compressors work & what each parameter does!
Did you know you will get better results if you cut bad frequencies out first? By cutting bad frequencies first, you'll start to eliminate things like muddiness, harshness, & rumbling. These quick production tips will save you time in the studio and improve your workflow.
Bass traps are a great addition to any studio & they do help the overall acoustics of the room. Follow along as a professional engineer. Realistic shows you how to make bass traps!
Delays are always a great way to fill space, add emphasis, create bounce, or just add a cool vibe to your track! So, let's breakdown what some of the common parameters found on delays are!