Nov 03, 2021
This is usually a process you want to save for the mastering stages.
By enabling the oversampling function on your limiter, your overall master will result in a cleaner sound & allow you to push the limiter a little bit more.
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By enabling the oversampling function on your limiter, your overall master will result in a cleaner sound & allow you to push the limiter a little bit more.
Nov 01, 2021
How To EQ Your Reverb
Have you ever mixed a vocal to sound great & found an awesome sounding reverb to go with it - only to find that there is still some muddiness in the mix? Most people don’t realize that even a great sounding reverb most likely still needs a little EQing. That’s because every song is different & the frequencies that consume each individual varies from song to song. Luckily with a little EQing, you can make any reverb sound amazing in the mix & sit perfectly with all the other tracks in the session.
Oct 27, 2021
Gain Versus Volume: What's The Different?
Want to know the difference between gain & volume?
It's actually pretty simple!
They both allow you to increase or decrease the level of the sound.
Oct 25, 2021
Top 10 Piano VST Plugins in 2021!
If you produce, compose, or song-write, a good piano collection is vital. No matter what genre you work in, the piano is an instrument that has stood the test of time & it’s an instrument that never sounds dated or has an expiration date on it. Because it’s such an important instrument in music production/composition, we decided to break down our all-time favorite piano VST plugins!
Oct 20, 2021
Using Mid/Side EQ For Mastering!
Mid/Side EQ is a powerful tool for both mixing & mastering. For this post though, we're going to focus on the benefits of using it for mastering.
Oct 18, 2021
WA-8000 Unboxing, Review & in Action!
This week’s tutorial is an unboxing & review of the brand new WA-8000 mic released by Warm Audio!