Complex Magazine Interviews SoundOracle And Timbaland

I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Complex Magazine. The article is about how sound designers and music makers like myself and others create raw sounds that become staple parts of your favorite hit records

Not only did they interview me about working with Timbaland, they too interviewed Timbaland about working with me.

If you want to know more about me or how the relationship between sound designer and super producer works, this article is a must-read.

Click the link below.

Before the Beat: How the Sounds From Your Favorite Rap Songs Are Created


How elite music makers create the raw sounds that become staple parts of our favorite hits.

Resources from SoundOracle Sound Kits
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{"one"=>"{{ count }} comment", "other"=>"{{ count }} comments"}
Keller Marketing March 20, 2019

Boom! wtg chief!

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