These quick production tips will save you time in the studio and improve your workflow.
These quick production tips will save you time in the studio and improve your workflow.
Mid/Side EQ is a powerful tool for both mixing & master. For this post though, we're going to focus on the benefits of using it for mastering. This quick production tips will save you time in the studio and improve your workflow.
Omnisphere not only has amazing sounds, but it has a lot of useful features in it that can help save you time & just make your creative process easier! These quick production tips will save you time in the studio and improve your workflow.
In this blog, we discuss five incredibly useful things you should know when getting involved with sync licensing. There are a few things to consider & to watch out for when getting involved with sync licensing & we discuss those in detail in this blog. We also give out some useful tips to better your preparation & organization of the music you want to get placed!
When it comes to EQing, it can help to start with the section that has the most going on first. Such as the area that has the drums, bass, lead instrument, & vocals all going on at once. These quick production tips will save you time in the studio and improve your workflow.
Need a little extra knock & punch to your drums? Parallel distortion can do the trick!